Tag Archives: black and white


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Found this woman praying in one of the temples of Gokul. Half my mind was busy enjoying the stark play of light, the image formed before me and how could I encase that in my camera. The other half of my mind was toying with the following :

Prayer is something I have always found intriguing. I do it too, mostly because I have been taught to. One should pray to thank the almighty as well as ask for help when losing hope.

Somehow its too selfish of a way to understand God. So, essentially He is some one who listens to your requests of earning more money, becoming more popular, getting higher grades and so on. Funny ain’t it. It’s like he has nothing more important planned for today than your menial askings. And we don’t stop there, we also offer him gifts for His services. Money, food, sacrifices of other animals (which were also put on this planet by Him, by the way)

What if praying was more of an exercise in self motivation. We pray to gain control over things we don’t understand. For example destiny, outcome, weather, life and death. What if praying only took the result anxiety off your shoulders, so that you focus more on performance and do better at it, which translates into better results. So was it really Someone pulling the strings so far, or was it just you improving yourself.

Thanks for dropping by 🙂

Favorite travel Portraits.

Favorite travel Portraits.

Since the advent of camera in my life a few years back, most of my photography has revolved around finding ways/excuses to travel far and wide, as extensively, as deeply and as immersingly as possible. Travel cattle class, live shoe string budget. That’s where fun memories are made. Luxury hotels and guided tours are equivalent of eating at McDonalds in various countries and calling it cuisine. It’s the same everywhere. Same mountains, waterfalls, people, shopping, rides, etc. But you have’nt really traveled if you’ve not spoken to the locals and heard their folk tales. A lot of your memories are made of tastes and smells. Unless you leave the environs of your hotel lobby and step into the local flea market, hit the street food stalls and let the local flavors melt on your tongue, you’ve just burnt a lot of cash for #PoutingSelfies 😛

So, coming back to clicking portraits. It’s a high to click random strangers on the streets. A lot of people ask me how do you walk to a stranger and click his or her picture. The secret lies in your eyes. A friendly eye contact, submissive nod of the head and a smile is all it takes 99% of the time. In spite of the tricks I’ve had my share of threatening, camera snatching, being shooed/chased away. Trolled for identity, roughed up to delete pictures.But when I look back it only makes the ride more memorable,and pictures more special. It becomes all worth it when the folks become your instant friends, share stories and food. Bless you. Crack jokes. Speak wisdom. It’s unconditional, strangers don’t judge you. Sometimes you open up a lot to them, than to probably your near and drear ones. And as a bonus you get to click their pictures and keep it touch..!

Here’s sharing some of my favorite moments down the memory lane so far.

_MG_0792-copy-watermark-2 waiting for the ride

A pallete full of thoughts. mg_5298-copy _MG_8050-(1) _MG_8180bw BEST_OF_VISHAL_TOMAR_PHOTOGRAPHY_2010_COLOR_4 Sant Gyaneshwar Palki 2011_Vishal Tomar_02 Sant Gyaneshwar Palki 2011_Vishal Tomar_12 Sant Dnyaneshwar Palki 2011_Vishal Tomar_0117 Asangaon_vishal tomar_17 Ramadan Mubarak happy world photography day_vishal tomar. Haji Malang path_Vishal Tomar_02 gUJRAT_ViSHAL TOMAR_02 gUJRAT_ViSHAL TOMAR_03 idol workshop_jamnagar_VishalTomar_04 Kumbh 2013_vishal tomar_24 Banaras_blog_vishal tomar_26 Velas_vishal tomar_05

a warm welcoming family..

a warm welcoming family..

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P.S : “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” ~Susan Sontag

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You can read the past in some old faces – William Thakeray

   You can read the past in some old faces - William Thakeray

the past in some old faces…

K A A S flowerscapes – 2 0 1 1

Hey guys..just returned from Kaas. It was my first visit. Excited to share some picture..check em out.

If clicking on the below picture doesen’t take you to the blog page, the you can find it under ” Travel With Me ” tab, on the right corner of the menu bar above.


“The innocent and the beautiful Have no enemy but time”

Japaloupe equestrian games 2011.

On the 12th of Feb. 2011 the Japloupe equestrian centre. celebrated its annual games for this year. It was a three day event involving beginner, amateur and professional riders alike. The place is situated in talegaon, near pune, maharashtra, india

click here for the whole photo story….