10 reasons how photography makes you an all round winner.

Photography is a really rewarding activity we all across the world will agree. With the advent of digital technology, it has become affordable and easy, ready for the masses to explore. It cuts across a wide cross section of lifestyles and gives an opportunity to everyone to discover their artistic side. Its very educationally enriching to get involved in the various technicalities of the art. All these sum up and add a great deal to our personality and way of thinking in general, which helps us in our everyday lives, knowingly or unknowingly. Here I have put together certain qualities that we learn from photography that make you a great photographer and a better person in life.

Read on to know how photography makes you an all round winner..!!


Photography makes us more aware of our surroundings than most other hobbies. How many times had you visited the neighborhood market earlier, but only realized the vibrant colors, the chatter, the aroma of the spices and the fragrance of the smiles after you bought your camera along. We start realizing the interplay of lights and shadows in everyday life, even when you are visiting your friends, going to work, etc. it also makes us more alert and awake and eventually successful at work and office. We stop just seeing, and start observing.

2.Planning ,analyzing  :

Great pictures aren’t just clicked, they are made. And what goes into making them memorable is a lot of behind the scenes planning and analyzing. It starts with an idea and then the whole story about it, how to approach, how to travel covering collecting the pictures, how to foresee avoidable hurdles, how to save on costs and time. These same qualities also help us everyday, cause our work is done by no different person, but us. It always pays to precise and to the point in your work and photography both.

3.Discipline and Time counting :

Many of would hate to wake up before the dawn to warm up ones jogging shoes. But given a tradeoff for capturing a brilliant sunrise by the snow capped mountains and any photographer would love to camp in the snow overnight! See how it works! This habit creeps into our circadian rhythm and makes us early-bird winners. An early start means a longer day and a healthier, wealthier day, thanks to the golden hour of photography.

4.Patience :

This is one thing that takes us a long way in life, and comes only by much practice. I had read that “ Patience doesn’t mean not acting at all, it means waiting for the right time to act “ perfect if you can realize the opportunities to leave and the ones to grab hold of, weather clicking in the wilderness of Africa or on your way for an important business deal. It helps you see across anxiety and make the best available use of the twenty four hours we get.

5.Etiquette and Tolerance:

Travel and photography go hand in hand. Along with it comes opportunity to explore  new cultures, customs and rituals. Many a times you may have to face aggression from strangers on the street about photographing them. The remedy to this the use of those kindergarten taught magic words. Patience, a smile and some polite words are sure to get you through most of the camera-intimidated crowd and also tough men in work life. We learn to be tolerant and courteous of other cultures, religion and lifestyles.

6.Popularity :

This is my favorite.  The moment people know that you are a “photographer” they start digging you. They all assume that you have the power to make them look good, have a flamboyant way of life and an artistic mysterious side to you personality.  So true  ha ha ;-). Besides the fame, photography also brings appreciation and respect for the kind of work that you have undertaken. Add to it the huge network of friends and contacts that you make, it is practically impossible to be out of limelight if you are an artist.

7.Social responsibility and Charity:

Charity is like love. Its in the air, everywhere, you just have to look for a needy soul or a really, unconditionally working NGO and I am sure they will be benefitted by the services of a photographer. An amazing way to mix a great weekend and some volunteer work. The power that we photographers command by creating soulful photo-stories and bringing many issues to light is a big social responsibility and a gratifying activity too. So, google up your favorite cause, environment, animal rights, education, health, your good deed for the day is just a click (of the shutter) away !

8.Positive attitude and Good health :

Positive outlook is a precursor to good health, and what better way than surrounding yourself with a wealth of amazing colors, interesting stories, lots of travel and great cuisine. Photographic assignments keep you on your toes, mentally and at times literally. The challenge of coming up with new ideas and the following rewards are sure-shot way of keeping the ailments of old age at bay.


I had stand by the dictum that ‘every photograph is the beginning of a new adventure’. As photographers, or artists at large, we are exposed to so many instances that push our imaginational boundaries everyday.  All of this helps us think out of the box, weather we are working in a cubicle (a box actually) or out of it. Like a popular commercial says, ‘ideating’ or coming up with new solution to our problems start to come more naturally and clearly. It directly translates into effective productivity in other professional and photography work flow, both.

10.Knowledge :

Knowledge is wealth, and photography provides us with ample of this. We visit so many locales, and interact with so many people, which eventually translates into friends or business partners in a wide range of interests .We become more enlightened about ourselves as human beings and how are we affecting the good or bad changes around us. We become teachers in this regard and share more, encourage more people into this novel activity of photography.

Still reading ?  I am humbled ! Thanks a lot, would love to hear from you.

10 responses »

  1. Amazing snaps… great thoughts…. Very insightful !

  2. 10/10..Nice one ! keep it up bro! – SUD

  3. bahu bahut shukriya aap sabh ka..!!

  4. Mahesh Kulkarni

    Photo bahothi sundar hain

  5. amazing blog!bookmarked! 🙂


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